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Inverted craft tweezers from EK Tools

215 kr
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Product Description:

Inverted craft tweezers from EK Tools  

With these craft tweezers from EK Tools you can work very precisely to hold parts in place, or to grasp small objects that are small, sticky or hot. Ideal for working with stickers, beads, and other small parts. Thanks to its curved tip, it is an indispensable basic tool for every hobbyist.

It is an inverted tweezer, which means that it opens by squeezing it. If you don't apply pressure, it stays closed, which makes it extra handy to pick up and hold small parts. The coating ensures that the parts do not stick to it. Thanks to the ergonomic rubber grip with non-slip grip, it can be held securely, even for longer periods of time.

Item ID:

Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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